Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Driving LYF...

Sun is done with his job. Now it is moon’s shift. Yes, it may sound odd to you. But, after working for 8 months in an IT company and especially in deployment team, where you work mostly on black screen (UNIX), you will almost lose all sense of humor and poetic charm if there was any. I always felt that working on this black screen, that black color has slowly slipped into my life, making it a bit darker.

Anyways, I am not here to crib. Working on black screen is my job, I have to do. So, we are moving ahead.
That evening, leaves were wafting, enjoying the light breeze and twilight. Birds are done with their job too, moving in flocks, discussing their daily routine jobs. But they are lucky. They don’t have a boss to curse.

It was raining. A beautiful evening was in making. All was set for those lovers or say beauty admirers of the nature. That day, nature was at its best. The sky was like a canvas of a painter, as his imagination was painted all over. I hate colors. He has used his colors very efficiently. It gives you a feeling of veil of a beautiful girl. The wafting leaves are hairs of that damsel and while mild breeze blew them, i fell in love with the beauty out there.
So, to enjoy that beauty i started off with my bike. I have strange attraction for beauty and driving alone, that too for long drives. That day, i was mesmerized by the beauty, i was finding strange relationship between life and driving. It may seem weird to you as well, but i have some points to make. So, please hold on before you reach some conclusions.

First and foremost thing common between life and driving is that for both you need to know the destination. Say, you are driving a  bike, car or any vehicle for that matter, if you don’t know where you want to reach, you will end up reaching nowhere. That’s absolutely because you don’t know your destination. The same thing is true for life, if you don’t aim for anything in life you will end up reaching nowhere. The process starts with most sophisticated machine in this world, Human Brain.
When you know where you exactly want to reach, your mind will create a picture, say a view, vision, and you see yourself at that place. Only after this process you start driving in order to reach that destination. But unfortunately, that is not the case with life, we don’t let our mind imagine where we want to reach, as well said by the great scientist Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” So, let the imagination work.

Another one is, if you don’t know exactly when or say in how much time you want to reach that destination, you will end up wasting a precious resource, time. According to Parkinson's Law, "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
This is so true. Same is true for life, if we don’t have a time limit in which we want to achieve a particular goal, we will surely waste time.

So, in order to increase efficiency of driver, provide him with proper destination and time limit. Let him imagine.
Another thing is, nearly every vehicle is provided with rear view mirror, but you can’t drive vehicle by keeping your eyes continuously on rear view mirror. Same is true for life we have so many rear view mirrors, photographs, dairies, all those things that have some relation with your past, all these things will pull you into past. These things will stymie your futuristic approach.

While driving we get all kind of paths, if some are as smooth as silk, they are rough ones too. While driving through a rough patch we have to slow down, same is true for life. We can’t remain aggressive all the time, so there is a need for perseverance. So, you can’t expect every road in life to be smooth, there are rough patches which may test your driving skills.

Everybody likes driving, many like it with their best buddy, some with a group of friends, others with their love. That may define a little bit of our approach to life.
That beautiful evening i enjoyed the beauty too fullest, driving in those long roads of Bangalore under dim moon light; i found some rough patches as well as some smooth ones too. But i promised my best buddy that i will fight till i last. That lonely drive on silent roads may have something with my life too, but that feeling of driving through the darkness is ineffable.

Rohit Garg

Note:- All the views expressed are personal and totally based on perception. As, i like driving alone, So, this article is based on thoughts that came to my mind while driving.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful correlation between life and driving...both are journeys after virtual, the other times smooth, at times bumpy but still showing us beautiful landscapes as we pass by, but only if we should take the time to notice....nice thoughts for a quiet reflection :)
